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The Magic Inside



Next addition for my Season 5 Episode Art!
Season 5, Episode 24 - The Mane Attraction
For more info on my MLP:FIM Season 5 Episode Art Streams

This was such a great episode, a great last one by Amy Keating Rogers. She has given has awesome stuff, and may she be making even more awesome work with her next projects. It was a joy to watch, and to listen to the music. Which pushed me to make this piece. Also fun to have an episode with Lena Hall! Awesome voice for sure. I hope she enjoys officially being a pony now!

The light setting in this scene, though. When I started working on this I was worried about my approach, and I think the one I went with wasn't the most optimal approach, but I guess it worked? I need to do some more heavy spotlight pieces in this style.

Doesn't help I added that second butt light source to it :P (technicaly a 3rd on the other side). Her hair was puzzling me when I tried to translate it into this perspective, but that's usually with new ponies and designs.
In the end, it remains a Saturday stream, so a single session piece where time is somewhat limited. So depending on what I make, I can do more, but I always think back to what I did in previous ones.

Either way, it allows me to have different fun every week!
Talking about week... next one is going to probably going to be crazy, I might go into hiding until then...

Approx Time: 9,5 hours
The Magic Inside [WIP] by AssasinMonkey

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